Sunday 1 September 2013

Brainstorm session

Where to get inspiration or ideas for my own superhero?

Some characters that I looked into:

Mythological, Fantasy, Action

Cheryl just moved into a new city and enrolled in the new school.
Meets some nice classmates and are friends.
There are some popular high schoolers.
After some time realises that she has someone/something else inside her.
Born in January.
Popular high schoolers are also the same shape shifters as her.
They consist of 5 members.
They have known their powers for a long time so they have roughly mastered it.
The leader approaches Cheryl and tries to be friend her.
Cheryl starts having dreams that are in fact memories of her past life. Having shapeshifting powers to turn into a Jaguar.
She soon realises that she and the high schoolers are the same pack.
She and the leader are the highest rank. 2 others are loyal to Cheryl and the leader. The other 2 are slightly rebellious. 

Movie Teaser Title
The Great Queen Hatshepsut

Shape shifting form is Jaguar.
Jaguar characteristics -  Run's fast, proud, noble, brave, strong
Able to communicate threw their minds. No talking needed.
Every character has the same powers but each individual has their own best ability.
Cheryl - Unknown, still to be discovered.
The Leader - Speed and Power
The others - Brave, Speed, Strength, Skilful

Jaguar weakness - another Jaguar

The 2 rebellious members leave the pack as they disagree on having Cheryl joining them.
They become the main enemy of the main pack.
Cheryl is yet to find out she's the one and only powerful leader of their kind. The 2 rebellious ones do not wish to be under her control once again and plans to destroy her. (thinking of either an actual source or summoning a powerful ancient dead witch)

So the 2 rebellious ones set out to find the ancient Book of Thoth. This books allows you to access much more skills and power. More power than what Queen Hatshesput has but it comes with a price. 

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