Saturday 23 November 2013

Movie Trailer Progress

Movie Trailer on Video Page.
To select other videos go to the Video drop down menu.
I like this unfortunately majority decided not to have it.

Lecturer said that the pic has to be edited more so I added a couple of zombies.
Still not good enough.

Concluded that I just had to remake the whole thing from scratch.
Compositions of everything are original.

After discussion with group mates, they said that the whole thing was a bit brighter compared to the other pages.
I told them that this is a movie trailer.
If it gets any darker than this there will be nothing to see.
So...again with the monster and the girl and the police man and all the zombies in front don't look real life.
Had to change them all. Group mates also said that burning building behind looks fake.

So...i took down the burning building and replaced it with a normal building.
Replaced all the zombies in front.
Did not change the brightness.

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